
Editorial guidance

Executive editors: Chapal Khasnabis (WHO), Jörg Weber

Editorial committee: Debbie Castle, Peter Coleridge, Chapal Khasnabis (WHO), Balakrishna Venkatesh, Jörg Weber

Advisory committee: Kathy Al J’ubeh, Nazimul Bari, Svein Brodtkorb, Debbie Castle, Peter Coleridge, Sunil Deepak, Jannine Ebenso, Priscille Geiser, Karen Heinicke-Motsch, Pauline Kleinitz (WHO), Ruth Langmead, Ghulam Nizamani, Sheila Purves, Balakrishna Venkatesh, Olmedo Zambrano

Note: The content presented in this online course was adapted and updated from the CBR Guideline booklets.  Thank you to all of those who contributed to the development of those booklets as well.

Financial support

Australian Aid, CBR Global Network, International Disability and Development Consortium (ICCD), US AID