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Causes and global trends

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Globally, the most common causes of disability include:

  • chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer)
  • injuries (e.g. from road traffic crashes, falls, war and violence, landmines)
  • mental health problems
  • birth defects
  • malnutrition, and
  • HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases.

The World Report on Disability, 2011 estimates that 15% of the world population (or roughly one billion people) live with significant disabilities. This number is increasing because of population growth, the increase in chronic health conditions, population ageing and medical advances that prolong life.

Nearly half this 15% figure is composed of people over 60 years and those with long-term and chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. The World Report found that lower-income countries have a higher prevalence of disability and that disability is more common among older people and households that are poor.