Some thoughts on the importance of empowerment

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Take a moment to look at this empowerment experience in Malawi.

Please select the Learn more link below to read about this story.

Learn what an empowered disabled community in Malawi was able to achieve



In Malawi, a national CBR has been very successful in supporting the creation of a community of people with disabilities that is visible, vocal and active.
This national programme was created through a partnership of government ministries and several NGOs. It sends representatives to work directly with people with disabilities at the district and sub-district levels to empower them.
Empowerment began with:

  • A community awareness programme
  • Mobilization of the community
  • The organization of persons with disabilities, and
  • The formation of a committee of persons with disabilities

Representatives of the committee then attended a training workshop to learn about the concepts of CBR and mainstreaming. This made it possible for them to:

  • Negotiate with local authorities
  • Access the benefits available to them through development initiatives

People with disabilities could then access health, education and livelihood opportunities. As they become more visible, vocal and active, the community of people with disabilities:

  • Promoted their participation in mainstream activities
  • Claimed equal opportunities, and
  • Enhanced their self-confidence

The Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA), a subsidiary of the Ministry for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly (MPWDE), is responsible for implementing the national CBR programme. MACOHA also works in partnership with these other government ministries:

  • Health
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Economic planning
  • Gender
  • Child development, and
  • Community development

The following non-governmental organizations provide support to the national CBR programme:

  • Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi (FEDOMA)
  • CBM
  • Sight Savers international, and
  • The Norwegian Association of the Disabled

When you are finished reading this story, consider:

  • What important elements of empowerment are demonstrated in this illustration?
  • What other elements have you personally experienced?

Then enter your own thoughts about empowerment below: