The benefits of empowerment

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Supporting the empowerment of people with disabilities, their families and communities can lead to many benefits.

Learn what a young disabled girl in the Philippines was able to achieve after she became empowered




As a young girl, Myla says ‘My self-esteem and self-confidence were very low. I always used to ask ‘why me?’ and even thought about committing suicide.’

Now she says, ‘I am the core
leader of the Albay chapter of disabled people’s organizations. I am now out of my shell and work to motivate others by setting an example.’

With the assistance of a CBR programme, Myla has become empowered. If a young girl like Myla came to your organization, what actions would you take to help her become empowered? Enter your thoughts below; then click Submit to compare your ideas to what Myla’s CBR programme actually did.