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In the past, many community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programmes focused on health issues and rehabilitation activities, often ignoring the social needs of people with disabilities.

Even today, topics such as relationships, marriage and parenting are too sensitive or too difficult to address, while access to cultural, sporting and recreation activities, and to justice, is seen as unnecessary.

We now know that being able to actively participate in social relationships and activities has a powerful positive effect on personal development. CBR needs to actively support the social inclusion of people with disabilities in their families and communities.

See how people with disabilities in Mexico are benefiting from a programme that facilitates their inclusion in society.




Pina Palmera is a non-governmental organization working on the south coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. Pina Palmera started community-based rehabilitation activities in 1989, and is active today in seven rural communities.

Pina Palmera works closely with people with disabilities and their families to address their day-to-day needs, as well as with local authorities, teachers, public transport operators and local medical professionals to remove barriers and facilitate the social inclusion of people with disabilities in their communities.

Pina Palmera undertakes a number of activities with children with disabilities and people with severe or multiple impairments. Pina Palmera’s staff members or volunteers provide assistance with items such as:

  • Personal hygiene
  • Travel in the community
  • Social activities

When it is needed, personal assistance is also provided to staff members with disabilities to enable them to carry out their work activities.

Pina Palmera encourages people with disabilities to participate in recreation, leisure and sports activities. The organization works in collaboration with people with disabilities and local sports people to provide resources and organize local community events where both disabled and non-disabled people participate. Assistive devices and adapted sporting equipment are provided as necessary to enable people with disabilities to participate. Several people with disabilities have gone on to participate in the national wheelchair basketball team.

Pina Palmera organizes workshops for people with disabilities on topics such as effective communication, conflict resolution, teamwork, respect, gender equality and sexuality. These workshops assist people with disabilities to expand their social networks. When it is needed, Pina Palmera also provides advice on legal rights in simple language to ensure that people with disabilities are able to defend themselves against acts of injustice.