What this section will cover

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In addition to self-advocacy, this section will also cover

  • Effective communication techniques for people with disabilities, and
  • Basic activities that CBR can use to support self-advocacy and communication

Learn how a young Indian girl with multiple disablilities transformed her life once she learned how to speak for herself




Hansa was born into a rural family in a remote village in Gujarat, India. Her family were day labourers

Profoundly deaf, with low vision and an intellectual impairment, Hansa was labelled the “Lord’s curse” by other villagers. The family was shunned and their mere presence in the fields or other people’s homes was seen as bad luck. As Hansa’s family was dependent on the work they found each day for their daily food, this stigma and discrimination became a heavy burden that affected the whole family.

Things began to change for Hansa and her family when a CBR worker trained by Sense International began providing support. During regular visits to Hansa’s home, the CBR worker assisted Hansa to begin exploring her environment through games and activities.

With time, Hansa began responding and making progress. She learnt how to communicate with sign language, count with beads, and do simple arithmetic.

She began to help her mother with household chores. Previously unkempt and reclusive, Hansa became a well-groomed and confident adolescent.

It took a while for the villagers to change their attitudes, but slowly things began to change. Farmers began to employ Hansa’s parents again and they took notice of Hansa’s skills and abilities. Hansa is now a farm hand and contributes to her family’s income. The family is again invited to social and community events. Hansa has also formed a group of friends of her own age.