Desirable outcomes

People with disabilities and their families:

  • are reached by the same health promotion messages as members of the general community;
  • possess the knowledge, skills and support to enable them to achieve good levels of health, including the areas of reproductive health, sexuality and HIV/AIDS.

Health-care personnel:

  • improve their awareness of the health needs of people with disabilities;
  • respond to these needs through relevant health promotion actions;
  • design or adapt health promotion materials and programmes to meet the specific needs of people with disabilities.

CBR organizations:

  • value good health;
  • undertake health-promoting activities in the workplace for their staff;
  • model health-promoting activities, such as anti-smoking programmes and exercise, for all clients.

The community:

  • provides a supportive environment for people with disabilities to participate in activities that promote good health;
  • does not engage in practices that are harmful to people with disabilities.