Introduction to livelihood

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Before you begin this module, we strongly suggest that you take a few moments to reflect on your own thoughts about the role of CBR in ensuring that people with disabilities are able to secure a livelihood.


    Your initial reflections about livelihood

    Please take a few minutes now to write down some of your own thoughts and feelings about CBR's role in supporting the need for people with disabilities to earn a livelihood. Select Save when you are finished. If you would like to share your thoughts with others in the CBR community, select Share and save.

    1. Why do you think livelihood is important in CBR?

    2. What expectations do you have regarding how much CBR can accomplish in assisting people with disabilities to achieve financial security through work?

    3. What expectations do you think other people have regarding how much CBR can accomplish in helping people with disabilities achieve financial security? Are these expectations reasonable? (And if not, what can your organization do to manage people’s unreasonable expectations?)

    People with disabilities are disproportionately represented among poor people:

    • Disability increases the likelihood of being poor, and
    • Being poor increases the likelihood of being disabled

    A primary purpose of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is to reduce poverty. Livelihoods are therefore central to CBR.

    This module considers ways in which people with disabilities can be empowered to break out of poverty through a constructive approach that regards them as active contributors to the economic life of their families and communities.