Introduction to Stage 1: Situation analysis

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management cycle

It is essential that CBR is based on information that is relevant and unique to each community to ensure that activities respond to real needs and are cost-effective and realistic.

Often, before starting CBR, planners think they have enough information about what is needed and what they should do. However, in many cases, this information is incomplete, so the first stage of the management cycle should be a situation analysis.

A situation analysis aims to answer the following question: “Where are we now?” It helps planners to build up an understanding of the situation (or context) in which people with disabilities and their families live, in order to determine the most appropriate course of action.

A situation analysis involves:

  • gathering information
  • identifying the stakeholders and their influence
  • identifying the main problems and objectives of the programme, and
  • identifying the resources, such as services and delivery structures, that are currently available in the community.