Introduction to justice

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Access to justice is a broad concept that refers to people’s ability to access the systems, procedures, information and locations used in the administration of justice. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and therefore everybody should have equal access to justice when their dignity and rights are infringed. 

People usually turn to the justice system in their country when they have been wronged or mistreated in some way, such as when they have been the victim of a crime. While access to justice is a human right, according to Article 13 of the CRPD, it is also critical in ensuring the enjoyment of all other human rights. For example, if a person with a disability has been denied the right to work they may wish to turn to the justice system to seek a solution.

Unfortunately, many people with disabilities, face barriers to accessing justice. Without access to justice their voices are not heard and they are unable to exercise their rights, challenge discrimination or hold decision-makers accountable, and as a result they can become more vulnerable and marginalized.