Key concepts

Here are some of the key ideas you will need to understand in this module.

Use your mouse or keyboard to expand each of the headings below.

Personal assistance

Personal assistance tasks

Personal assistance is supporting people with a variety of tasks in different environments:

  • Homes: self care assistance with parenting and caregiver tasks
  • Schools
  • Workplaces
  • Community settings: travelling, shopping, banking
  • Emergency and respite situations

Both informal or formal personal assistance must be of a quality and quantity sufficient to enable the individual with disabilities to fully participate with dignity in family and community life.It is now understood that people with disabilities must have the freedom to control the direction of their lives. To do this, they need to be at the centre of decision-making about their personal assistance needs.

Independent living

Over a number of decades most countries have moved away from institutional care to independent living.  Independent living does not mean that people with disabilities do everything by themselves, but rather that they live their lives with the same choices and control as others. People with disabilities are the experts regarding their needs and should be in charge. 

Informal and formal support

People who need support services at any point in their lives are usually more vulnerable than those who do not. It is particularly difficult for people who are being abused to report or change their situation when their abuser is also their personal assistant.

When support systems break down, people with disabilities can be faced with a crisis situation. In some cases, this may mean they are sent to an institution, often against their will.

Informal assistance

Worldwide, most support to people with disabilities is informal and provided by family members, friends, neighbours or volunteers.

Formal assistance

Personal assistance may also be provided formally by governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. As budgets become decentralized, funds for support services may become available through authorities, such as ministries of social welfare. Disability allowances may be available to fund personal assistance in the form of disability pensions and caregiver allowances.