Build your action plan

The activities below represent some strategies your organization can use to support the participation of people with disabilities in recreation, leisure and sport opportunities in the communities you serve.

Use your mouse or keyboard to expand each of the activity headings below. To add an activity to your action plan, select the Add button beside it.

Identify local recreation, leisure and sports opportunities

A first step is to work with community groups to identify what recreation, leisure and sporting opportunities already exist in and around the community.

Facilitate the participation of people with disabilities

The participation of people with disabilities is facilitated when it is culturally appropriate, enjoyable and fulfilling, and not too costly to develop and sustain.
CBR can:


  • Provide information to people with disabilities about the recreation and sporting opportunities available in their local communities
  • Link people with disabilities to mainstream recreation and sporting clubs or associations
  • Ensure that children with disabilities have the same opportunities as other children to participate in recreation and sports activities at school
  • Explore options for personal assistance to enable people with disabilities to participate, whether actively or passively
  • Facilitate positive media coverage of disability recreation and sports to encourage more people with disabilities to become involved
Use recreation and sport to raise awareness about inclusion

Major events such as the International Day of Disabled Persons often attract positive media attention. Because of this, they can raise awareness across a wide audience from the national to local level about the need for inclusive recreation and sporting activities.

Encourage mainstream programmes to become inclusive

Often mainstream recreation and sports programmes have not considered including people with disabilities. CBR can work with these programmes to explore how to make their activities accessible to all. CBR can:

  • Consult with national and international organizations to ensure that programmes are culturally relevant and available to people with disabilities of all ages, abilities, and genders living in urban and rural settings
  • Provide suggestions how to safely adapt activities, equipment and venues, emphasizing that many activities can be adapted at minimal or no cost
  • Facilitate training for staff of mainstream programmes to develop their skills and confidence to include people with disabilities
  • Advocate alongside disabled people’s organizations to ensure that recreation and sporting opportunities become available and accessible for people with disabilities

One additional way that CBR can encourage mainstream programmes is through working with schools to increase awareness and understanding about the sporting abilities of children with disabilities.

For more information about how to help support inclusion consult these publications:

Develop and support disability-specific programmes

Disability-specific sports programmes can provide opportunities for people with disabilities to meet other people with disabilities, and enable them to compete against others who are at a similar skill level. CBR can:

  • Ensure that people with disabilities are leaders and play a strong role in the decision-making process during programme development to make certain that recreation and sports programmes are suitable for their needs
  • Provide appropriate training and resources to support people with disabilities who want to set up their own recreation and sports groups and clubs
  • Link local disability recreation and sports groups and clubs to national and international organizations